“…It’s the mix of their international track record and an amazing network, the ‘know-how’ and the ’know-who’ in entertainment and digital … that’s what makes them so good at what they do!”
News & events
Nov.5, 2021 - 9-1030am PST: (Virtual): Wendy presents an Industry lecture entitled "Beyond the Usual Suspects: International VOD/Digital Opportunities for Indies'' followed by Q&A.
IFTA LIVE WEBINAR - VOD - Sept 29 2021 - L.A. (Virtual)
Sept 29,2021: 9-1030am PST: Wendy moderates 'Content Licensing in a VOD World" a private IFTA members-only panel of industry experts from ACI, Brainstorm, Fortissimo and ScreenMedia/CracklePlus, all sharing their intel and experiences on the practical side of VOD and pla
Venice Biennale FilmFestival, Gap Funding Market and VR Expanded - Sept. 2021
Aug/Sept 2021: Wendy attends Venice Biennale (virtually/online) Film Festival, Venice Production Bridge (Gap Funding market) and VR Expanded events, on behalf of digital sector clients in VOD, blockchain, and vr/xr.
CANNES Marche du Film, NEXT and Festival July 2021
July 2021- Wendy attended Cannes (virtual) including festival , CannesNext and the Marche, on behalf of SVOD/AVOD, blockchain and XR clients regarding alternative buyers, funders in the digital space. Hope to be there in person next year!
ATTAGIRL Producers Lab Workshop - Australia- Aug. 2021
Screen Daily article- Navigating International SVOD- June 30, 2021
June 30, 2021: Screen International published an in-depth interview/article by Wendy Bernfeld entitled 'How can rights-holders navi
Screen Daily talks: Deals, Contracts, Biz Affairs Webinar - July - (virtual UK)
July 1,2021: 4pm -5.30pm CET - Wendy joins pre CANNES as co-panelist for the UK Film/Screen Daily Webinar 'The New Deal: The Changing World of Sales and Contracts' - on pragmatics and changes from digital/film/VOD sector.
International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF) Webinar - Brussels
June 30, 2021: 3:15-4.15pm CET: Wendy joins as expert co-panelist at the FIAPF Webinar for Member States' delegates to WIPO, entitled 'Exclusive rights and commercial freedom as incentives for Investment in Film and TV Content'.
CFC Producers Lab Private Workshop- Digital/VOD Sector - Toronto(virtual)
June 29, 10.00am -12.00 PM EST: Wendy presents an online lecture/workshop for the Canadian Film Centre (CFC) at a private session for The Norman Jewison Film Program Producers’ Lab
CEE ANIMATION FORUM- Central Europe [virtual]- May 2021
May 5, 2021 - 2-330pm CET: Wendy workshops the topic: ''Tackling International VOD/OTT/Digital: Recent trends and opportunities for Indies/Animation producers and distribution" as part of the CEE Animation Forum IndustryDay.