“…It’s the mix of their international track record and an amazing network, the ‘know-how’ and the ’know-who’ in entertainment and digital … that’s what makes them so good at what they do!”
News & events
Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) September 8-18,2022
Sept. 8-12: Wendy attends the first days of TIFF on behalf of film/VOD clients buying/selling/originals, as well as joining private workshops/think tanks as expert on OTT/SVOD/AVOD sector overseas.
EUROVOD - VOD Market Days during Venice Festival - Sept.3-5 2022
Sept. 5, 2022: 11am - 1pm CET: Wendy joins (virtually) as speaker/co-panelist at the live Venice Biennale EuroVOD Market Days panel entitled ''IP Rights in the VOD Sector: Expert Insights".
Venice Biennale Film Festival/Markets Sept. 2022
Sept 2-4: Wendy attends portions of the Venice International Film Festival and the related Venice Production Bridge markets (Gap Financing, Immersive/VR , and EuroVOD) virtually.
Podcast: Documentary Business (P. Hamilton)- SVODs- July 2022 (Virtual)
July 27,2022: Wendy joined Peter Hamilton (Documentary Business) for a short podcast ''
New Producers Academy Private Seminar - Rotterdam, June 2022
June 30, 2022: Wendy presented a lecture on International Digital Landscape and Opportunities, followed by interactive discussion, at a lively private seminar/workshop for New Producers Academy talents.
Monaco Streaming FilmFest - Monaco,France (31.05-3.06 2022
May 31-June 2: Wendy attends this Festival as both panel moderator and speaker, including: (as moderator) the May 31 panel ''The Evolution of Streaming'';as speaker/panelist on ''Global Streaming Landscape - not just for Giants'' and on June 2, as co-moderator f
Black Screen Office & Indigenous Screen Office (Canada)- May 2022
May 19, 2022: Wendy led a private seminar/workshop for the Canadian delegations from the Black Screen Office and Indigenous Screen Office while on site in Cannes Festival/Marche du Film, on the topic of Digital Sector Landscape and Opportunities - abroad, beyond traditional and b
SODEC Quebec Private Seminar - Cannes, May 2022
May 17, 2022 - Wendy led a private seminar for the SODEC delegation of Quebec producers while at Cannes FilmFest/Marche, on the digital sector landscape and going beyond just the traditional and big global digital platforms, to those others abroad who buy and sometimes co-fund Fr
Cannes Film Fest/Marche du Film - Cannes, France May 2022
May 17-22: Wendy attended Cannes Film Fest/Marche du Film/CannesNEXT, re content acquisition/distribution/Originals (international VOD/OTT /blockchain platforms and producers/sales agents); as well as leading private seminars for producers from Canadian clients SODEC (Quebec),
Art of Negotiation (Film,TV, Internet): Erich Pommer Institut, Berlin, Germany - April 2022
April 27-30, 2022: Workshop: The Art of Negotiating Agreements for Film and TV: Wendy Bernfeld joins Dr.