“…It’s the mix of their international track record and an amazing network, the ‘know-how’ and the ’know-who’ in entertainment and digital … that’s what makes them so good at what they do!”
News & events
Scandinavian Films Webinar: Deal or No Deal -March 4 (virtual)
March 4,2021 11-12pm CET; Wendy joins a Nordic/international industry panel of sales agents, tech and industry (an associated webinar event with EFM/Berlinale virtual) entitled 'Deal or No Deal: Demystifying International Sales' , moderated by Wendy Mitchell.
Southwestern Law School/MLRC Conference- Media Law VOD PANEL - March 3, 2021
March 3, 2021: 11am PST ( 8pm-9pm CET): Wendy joins as fellow VOD speaker on panel ''Video On Demand Around the World: In the Wake of Covid-19 and Beyond", along with digital businesses reps of Tubi.tv, Cinedigm,and various legal experts, all moderated by Orly Ravid (Southwes
Berlinale/European Film Market: March 2021 -virtual
European Film Market ONLINE (March 1-5): Wendy attends EFM regarding (1) licensing content in VOD/OTT for clients (2) roundtables and one to ones; and (3) supporting client Blockfilm Canada www.blockfilm.io
NEXT WAVE- DFFB Berlin - Feb 10,2021
International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) - Rotterdam
Feb 1-7: Wendy Bernfeld attends virtually various streaming conference sessions and buyers meetings at IFFR/IFFR PRO. For more info see https://iffr.com/en
PrimeTime Canada Jan.2021 - Ottawa (Virtual)
Prime Time Online- Ottawa:
Jan 28-Feb 10 2021 - Wendy attends virtually the streaming sessions of Prime Time Canada conferences, including one-to-ones and buyers briefings. For more info See /https://cmpa.ca/prime-time/
Canadian Content Export Series articles: CMF Trends: Beyond the Big5 VoD's- autumn 2020
Jan 2021 updated URL for autumn 2020: CMF Can-Con Export Series: Beyond the Big5
SODEC LAB VIRTUEL - VOD- Quebec - Jan 19,2021
Jan.19, 9-12 EST: Wendy leads an in-depth Private "Lab Virtuel" for Sodec members - on the international sector.
APFC/Ontario Creatif WEBINAR - VOD - Dec 16
Nederlandse AV Producenten Alliance (NAPA) Private VOD webinar - Dec. 15/2020