Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2020
Generated 01-Mar-2020 03:37 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2020
Total Hits 56301
Total Files 46690
Total Pages 23287
Total Visits 9538
Total KBytes 809246
Total Unique Sites 5905
Total Unique URLs 1163
Total Unique Referrers 1030
Total Unique User Agents 974
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 80 1504
Hits per Day 1941 5383
Files per Day 1610 4171
Pages per Day 803 3672
Sites per Day 203 378
Visits per Day 328 585
KBytes per Day 27905 102531
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 82.93% 46690
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.02% 11
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 9.86% 5552
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.50% 280
Code 403 - Forbidden 4.31% 2426
Code 404 - Not Found 2.25% 1268
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.13% 74

Daily usage for February 2020

Daily Statistics for February 2020
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 584 1.04% 443 0.95% 311 1.34% 187 1.96% 184 3.12% 7140 0.88%
2 2586 4.59% 2362 5.06% 674 2.89% 237 2.48% 244 4.13% 34990 4.32%
3 1383 2.46% 1173 2.51% 531 2.28% 321 3.37% 269 4.56% 18658 2.31%
4 2259 4.01% 1943 4.16% 746 3.20% 400 4.19% 371 6.28% 30515 3.77%
5 2270 4.03% 1982 4.25% 673 2.89% 361 3.78% 369 6.25% 29677 3.67%
6 1582 2.81% 1351 2.89% 629 2.70% 300 3.15% 334 5.66% 22608 2.79%
7 1323 2.35% 1014 2.17% 681 2.92% 355 3.72% 274 4.64% 17925 2.22%
8 1171 2.08% 928 1.99% 537 2.31% 293 3.07% 264 4.47% 15235 1.88%
9 1725 3.06% 1269 2.72% 935 4.02% 346 3.63% 313 5.30% 19914 2.46%
10 1659 2.95% 1385 2.97% 813 3.49% 330 3.46% 284 4.81% 21667 2.68%
11 2656 4.72% 2270 4.86% 685 2.94% 338 3.54% 294 4.98% 35206 4.35%
12 1478 2.63% 1150 2.46% 642 2.76% 338 3.54% 363 6.15% 21232 2.62%
13 1956 3.47% 1614 3.46% 813 3.49% 372 3.90% 369 6.25% 26934 3.33%
14 1297 2.30% 946 2.03% 657 2.82% 352 3.69% 347 5.88% 17820 2.20%
15 997 1.77% 650 1.39% 743 3.19% 286 3.00% 272 4.61% 12600 1.56%
16 1718 3.05% 1485 3.18% 497 2.13% 300 3.15% 357 6.05% 21558 2.66%
17 5383 9.56% 4171 8.93% 3672 15.77% 585 6.13% 378 6.40% 102531 12.67%
18 2058 3.66% 1806 3.87% 634 2.72% 330 3.46% 324 5.49% 29682 3.67%
19 2048 3.64% 1755 3.76% 788 3.38% 292 3.06% 303 5.13% 30436 3.76%
20 2895 5.14% 2612 5.59% 1168 5.02% 365 3.83% 324 5.49% 39746 4.91%
21 1746 3.10% 1477 3.16% 984 4.23% 301 3.16% 293 4.96% 28180 3.48%
22 3537 6.28% 3124 6.69% 869 3.73% 284 2.98% 246 4.17% 59295 7.33%
23 1433 2.55% 1084 2.32% 559 2.40% 275 2.88% 269 4.56% 17949 2.22%
24 2414 4.29% 2175 4.66% 995 4.27% 357 3.74% 336 5.69% 37774 4.67%
25 2148 3.82% 1623 3.48% 587 2.52% 396 4.15% 362 6.13% 23228 2.87%
26 1210 2.15% 1005 2.15% 460 1.98% 315 3.30% 330 5.59% 17212 2.13%
27 1480 2.63% 1286 2.75% 580 2.49% 315 3.30% 349 5.91% 20868 2.58%
28 1958 3.48% 1574 3.37% 756 3.25% 353 3.70% 300 5.08% 26280 3.25%
29 1347 2.39% 1033 2.21% 668 2.87% 265 2.78% 233 3.95% 22385 2.77%

Hourly usage for February 2020

Hourly Statistics for February 2020
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 54 1569 2.79% 42 1230 2.63% 27 788 3.38% 836 24230 2.99%
1 52 1515 2.69% 43 1255 2.69% 24 720 3.09% 721 20906 2.58%
2 42 1237 2.20% 29 853 1.83% 31 918 3.94% 690 19996 2.47%
3 51 1480 2.63% 38 1111 2.38% 26 759 3.26% 710 20596 2.55%
4 54 1581 2.81% 44 1280 2.74% 28 814 3.50% 608 17623 2.18%
5 60 1764 3.13% 47 1382 2.96% 34 1005 4.32% 832 24142 2.98%
6 56 1627 2.89% 42 1230 2.63% 28 818 3.51% 815 23630 2.92%
7 107 3116 5.53% 80 2335 5.00% 67 1967 8.45% 1535 44511 5.50%
8 101 2947 5.23% 76 2210 4.73% 71 2077 8.92% 2308 66922 8.27%
9 84 2436 4.33% 66 1941 4.16% 30 889 3.82% 1148 33298 4.11%
10 96 2805 4.98% 85 2471 5.29% 41 1198 5.14% 1395 40444 5.00%
11 79 2293 4.07% 53 1561 3.34% 24 702 3.01% 981 28461 3.52%
12 79 2315 4.11% 71 2060 4.41% 16 481 2.07% 880 25524 3.15%
13 75 2185 3.88% 65 1896 4.06% 36 1063 4.56% 1085 31469 3.89%
14 79 2303 4.09% 69 2026 4.34% 31 912 3.92% 1223 35457 4.38%
15 107 3109 5.52% 95 2768 5.93% 28 822 3.53% 1386 40188 4.97%
16 170 4933 8.76% 159 4618 9.89% 34 993 4.26% 2875 83384 10.30%
17 109 3173 5.64% 97 2840 6.08% 21 637 2.74% 1442 41805 5.17%
18 76 2209 3.92% 65 1885 4.04% 30 885 3.80% 974 28232 3.49%
19 89 2588 4.60% 75 2183 4.68% 30 874 3.75% 1141 33084 4.09%
20 95 2757 4.90% 79 2297 4.92% 37 1085 4.66% 1347 39067 4.83%
21 76 2211 3.93% 65 1893 4.05% 28 835 3.59% 1016 29468 3.64%
22 74 2171 3.86% 61 1777 3.81% 33 972 4.17% 1108 32135 3.97%
23 68 1977 3.51% 54 1588 3.40% 37 1073 4.61% 851 24674 3.05%

Top 30 of 1163 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2399 4.26% 93457 11.55% /
2 1811 3.22% 4536 0.56% /robots.txt
3 1456 2.59% 77649 9.60% /homepage
4 903 1.60% 27244 3.37% /news-events
5 875 1.55% 12976 1.60% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
6 452 0.80% 448 0.06% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/styles/default/colorbox_style.js
7 450 0.80% 1989 0.25% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/superfish.js
8 448 0.80% 8078 1.00% /misc/drupal.js
9 447 0.79% 5319 0.66% /sites/all/libraries/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js
10 445 0.79% 872 0.11% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/jquery.hoverIntent.js
11 445 0.79% 660 0.08% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/nice_menus.js
12 444 0.79% 1461 0.18% /misc/jquery.once.js
13 442 0.79% 2650 0.33% /sites/all/modules/extlink/extlink.js
14 441 0.78% 827 0.10% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/js/jquery.bgiframe.js
15 441 0.78% 1990 0.25% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/js/jquery.backstretch.min.js
16 439 0.78% 39948 4.94% /sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js
17 439 0.78% 605 0.07% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/js/rightsstuff.js
18 438 0.78% 792 0.10% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/js/colorbox_load.js
19 425 0.75% 563 0.07% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/js/colorbox.js
20 418 0.74% 2106 0.26% /sites/all/modules/colorbox/styles/default/colorbox_style.css
21 411 0.73% 558 0.07% /sites/all/modules/logintoboggan/logintoboggan.css
22 411 0.73% 1608 0.20% /sites/all/modules/nice_menus/css/nice_menus.css
23 411 0.73% 797 0.10% /sites/all/themes/drupstrap/css/styles.css
24 409 0.73% 331 0.04% /sites/all/modules/ckeditor/css/ckeditor.css
25 409 0.73% 363 0.04% /sites/all/modules/ctools/css/ctools.css
26 409 0.73% 441 0.05% /sites/all/modules/views/css/views.css
27 409 0.73% 6674 0.82% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/style.css
28 407 0.72% 2525 0.31% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/nice_menus_rs.css
29 406 0.72% 326 0.04% /sites/all/modules/extlink/extlink.css
30 352 0.63% 5227 0.65% /services/media-finance-mergers-acquisitions-support/

Top 10 of 1163 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2399 4.26% 93457 11.55% /
2 1456 2.59% 77649 9.60% /homepage
3 439 0.78% 39948 4.94% /sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js
4 903 1.60% 27244 3.37% /news-events
5 875 1.55% 12976 1.60% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
6 448 0.80% 8078 1.00% /misc/drupal.js
7 310 0.55% 7641 0.94% /misc/ajax.js
8 409 0.73% 6674 0.82% /sites/all/themes/rightsstuff/css/style.css
9 447 0.79% 5319 0.66% /sites/all/libraries/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js
10 352 0.63% 5227 0.65% /services/media-finance-mergers-acquisitions-support/

Top 10 of 395 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2399 4.26% 2728 33.38% /
2 875 1.55% 836 10.23% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
3 1456 2.59% 339 4.15% /homepage
4 903 1.60% 222 2.72% /news-events
5 352 0.63% 130 1.59% /services/media-finance-mergers-acquisitions-support/
6 216 0.38% 116 1.42% /about-us
7 217 0.39% 113 1.38% /news-events/iffr-filmfest-rotterdam-jan-22-feb-2-2020
8 195 0.35% 76 0.93% /services/digital-content-acquisition
9 79 0.14% 73 0.89% /services/entertainment-business-affairs
10 145 0.26% 73 0.89% /user/register/

Top 10 of 386 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2399 4.26% 3142 38.73% /
2 875 1.55% 337 4.15% /news-events/norwegian-film-institute-oslo-april-29-2019
3 1456 2.59% 324 3.99% /homepage
4 903 1.60% 225 2.77% /news-events
5 352 0.63% 130 1.60% /services/media-finance-mergers-acquisitions-support/
6 217 0.39% 117 1.44% /news-events/iffr-filmfest-rotterdam-jan-22-feb-2-2020
7 195 0.35% 85 1.05% /services/digital-content-acquisition
8 206 0.37% 82 1.01% /contact
9 216 0.38% 79 0.97% /about-us
10 145 0.26% 73 0.90% /user/register/

Top 30 of 5905 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2617 4.65% 1714 3.67% 65520 8.10% 211 2.21%
2 1382 2.45% 1375 2.94% 34411 4.25% 1 0.01%
3 928 1.65% 928 1.99% 11122 1.37% 4 0.04%
4 683 1.21% 673 1.44% 11001 1.36% 7 0.07%
5 619 1.10% 584 1.25% 8085 1.00% 12 0.13%
6 589 1.05% 589 1.26% 4597 0.57% 0 0.00%
7 542 0.96% 535 1.15% 6311 0.78% 12 0.13%
8 530 0.94% 209 0.45% 3724 0.46% 218 2.29%
9 496 0.88% 496 1.06% 3871 0.48% 0 0.00%
10 472 0.84% 472 1.01% 2534 0.31% 0 0.00%
11 459 0.82% 449 0.96% 5541 0.68% 1 0.01%
12 407 0.72% 368 0.79% 5652 0.70% 3 0.03%
13 403 0.72% 403 0.86% 3145 0.39% 0 0.00%
14 399 0.71% 397 0.85% 5640 0.70% 4 0.04%
15 386 0.69% 382 0.82% 4387 0.54% 4 0.04%
16 384 0.68% 380 0.81% 5322 0.66% 4 0.04%
17 384 0.68% 369 0.79% 10309 1.27% 1 0.01%
18 362 0.64% 342 0.73% 4130 0.51% 2 0.02%
19 341 0.61% 341 0.73% 2661 0.33% 0 0.00%
20 325 0.58% 310 0.66% 6920 0.86% 1 0.01%
21 310 0.55% 310 0.66% 2419 0.30% 0 0.00%
22 293 0.52% 0 0.00% 68 0.01% 1 0.01%
23 254 0.45% 224 0.48% 4732 0.58% 28 0.29%
24 254 0.45% 157 0.34% 2840 0.35% 4 0.04%
25 251 0.45% 238 0.51% 4077 0.50% 6 0.06%
26 245 0.44% 245 0.52% 7269 0.90% 1 0.01%
27 229 0.41% 228 0.49% 2541 0.31% 3 0.03%
28 227 0.40% 226 0.48% 2748 0.34% 2 0.02%
29 222 0.39% 221 0.47% 4006 0.49% 5 0.05%
30 220 0.39% 220 0.47% 2651 0.33% 2 0.02%

Top 10 of 5905 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2617 4.65% 1714 3.67% 65520 8.10% 211 2.21%
2 1382 2.45% 1375 2.94% 34411 4.25% 1 0.01%
3 928 1.65% 928 1.99% 11122 1.37% 4 0.04%
4 683 1.21% 673 1.44% 11001 1.36% 7 0.07%
5 384 0.68% 369 0.79% 10309 1.27% 1 0.01%
6 619 1.10% 584 1.25% 8085 1.00% 12 0.13%
7 245 0.44% 245 0.52% 7269 0.90% 1 0.01%
8 325 0.58% 310 0.66% 6920 0.86% 1 0.01%
9 542 0.96% 535 1.15% 6311 0.78% 12 0.13%
10 407 0.72% 368 0.79% 5652 0.70% 3 0.03%

Top 30 of 1030 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 21861 38.83% - (Direct Request)
2 385 0.68%
3 115 0.20%
4 35 0.06%
5 24 0.04%
6 21 0.04%
7 19 0.03%
8 19 0.03%
9 18 0.03%
10 18 0.03%
11 18 0.03%
12 18 0.03%
13 16 0.03%
14 16 0.03%
15 16 0.03%
16 16 0.03%
17 15 0.03%
18 15 0.03%
19 15 0.03%
20 15 0.03%
21 15 0.03%
22 15 0.03%
23 15 0.03%
24 15 0.03%
25 14 0.02%
26 14 0.02%
27 14 0.02%
28 14 0.02%
29 14 0.02%
30 14 0.02%

Top 15 of 974 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2723 4.84% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/6.1; +
2 1951 3.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36
3 1660 2.95% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/6~bl; +
4 1554 2.76% ZoominfoBot (zoominfobot at zoominfo dot com)
5 1143 2.03% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.5 Mobile/15E14
6 990 1.76% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/75.0.3770.90 Safari/537.36
7 904 1.61% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.80 Safari/537.36
8 791 1.40% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36
9 730 1.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36
10 722 1.28% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SEOkicks; +
11 711 1.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.2.1; en-us; Nexus 5 Build/JOP40D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko; googleweblight) Chrome
12 694 1.23% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.4 Mobile/15E148
13 657 1.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
14 619 1.10% Mozilla/5.0(Linux;Android 5.1.1;OPPO A33 Build/LMY47V;wv) AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,link Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/42.0.2311.1
15 611 1.09% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0

Usage by Country for February 2020

Top 30 of 71 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 19473 34.59% 16813 36.01% 255479 31.57% Commercial (com)
2 16374 29.08% 11827 25.33% 211645 26.15% Unresolved/Unknown
3 9455 16.79% 7948 17.02% 182450 22.55% Network (net)
4 2568 4.56% 2410 5.16% 43046 5.32% Germany
5 1651 2.93% 1452 3.11% 21212 2.62% European Union
6 1468 2.61% 1430 3.06% 19599 2.42% Netherlands
7 1185 2.10% 1168 2.50% 13549 1.67% Canada
8 429 0.76% 411 0.88% 5977 0.74% Ukraine
9 422 0.75% 368 0.79% 5059 0.63% Brazil
10 362 0.64% 357 0.76% 4417 0.55% Sweden
11 325 0.58% 301 0.64% 8786 1.09% Non-Profit (org)
12 225 0.40% 224 0.48% 2428 0.30% India
13 217 0.39% 103 0.22% 4407 0.54% China
14 217 0.39% 216 0.46% 2237 0.28% Italy
15 181 0.32% 181 0.39% 2292 0.28% Czech Republic
16 136 0.24% 107 0.23% 2006 0.25% Russian Federation
17 135 0.24% 123 0.26% 1607 0.20% Argentina
18 130 0.23% 130 0.28% 1555 0.19% Australia
19 125 0.22% 124 0.27% 3632 0.45% United Kingdom
20 116 0.21% 115 0.25% 1373 0.17% Luxembourg
21 111 0.20% 111 0.24% 1327 0.16% Chile
22 111 0.20% 110 0.24% 1326 0.16% Libya
23 105 0.19% 104 0.22% 1645 0.20% France
24 99 0.18% 99 0.21% 690 0.09% Singapore
25 93 0.17% 92 0.20% 2210 0.27% Educational (edu)
26 83 0.15% 83 0.18% 1382 0.17% Lesotho
27 74 0.13% 74 0.16% 2102 0.26% Switzerland
28 53 0.09% 26 0.06% 614 0.08% Address Routing (arpa)
29 49 0.09% 4 0.01% 51 0.01% Generic TLD (info)
30 33 0.06% 33 0.07% 924 0.11% US Government (gov)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21